Battery Service

Team Honda in Baton Rouge has the parts, the know-how, and the great prices to make servicing your battery simple and easy! Check out our service offers and schedule your battery service with us online today!

Understanding the Importance of a Healthy Battery

Louisiana's weather can be unpredictable, to say the least. The drastic changes in heat and humidity, sometimes coming hours apart from each other, can wreak havoc on a car battery's chemistry. Due to this fact of climate, car batteries in Louisiana frequently last between three and five years—some longer if they're well-maintained, but some shorter.

Scheduling regular check-ups for your battery's health is an important part of keeping your car running well. Your battery starts your car's engine, powers the interior electronics like the radio and power windows, and powers your head lights and tail lights. If you've ever had to jump your battery, you know how annoying a dead one can be.

If you think your battery needs to be replaced, or if you just want to be sure, bring it by Team Honda for a check-up today! We can also sell you a replacement battery for a fair price or check the rest of your electrical system to ensure your car stays in good working order for years.

How Do I Know If My Battery Needs to Be Replaced?

Before your battery fully dies, you'll likely notice symptoms of its imminent demise. If your car starts acting in any of the following ways, bring it in to be serviced as soon as possible:

  • The ignition clicks but the car won't start
  • The car battery is corroded
  • You smell sulfur (rotten eggs) around the battery
  • The "Check Battery" light is illuminated
  • Power accessories, such as your radio, power windows, or interior lights, have electrical issues such as dimming or slowness
  • The battery case is bloated

How Can I Prolong the Life of My Battery?

While batteries are engineered to be resilient, there's a number of things you can do to help them keep their effectiveness day in and day out. These are all fairly simple practices, and include

  • Turning off all the interior and exterior lights before leaving your car
  • Regularly inspecting and cleaning your battery—especially its electrodes
  • Driving your car for 15–20 minutes at least once every few days
  • Turning off your engine instead of idling for long periods
  • Storing your car in a garage, carport, or other place that's safe from the elements

Ensure Your Battery Matches Your Car

All car batteries are not built the same. Different cars pull different voltages and wattages from the battery, and the power draw can depend on the weather and other factors, too. When replacing your battery, talk to an expert who can sell you a battery that will serve your car's needs in the conditions you drive it in. At Team Honda, we consider all of the above when making a battery recommendation to our customers.

When your battery needs service or to be replaced, bring it to the service center at Team Honda in Baton Rouge today! Our technicians have all been trained at the factory to service Honda vehicles, and we only use genuine Honda parts, so you can trust that your car will get the very best treatment when you come to our service center.

Plus, we make it easy to afford repairs and parts replacements thanks to our rotating service and parts specials! Give us a call, make a service appointment online, or walk in today!